Neuordnung des Betriebsgelände des ZMS Schwandorf


PROJECT NAME Neuordnung des Betriebsgelände des ZMS Schwandorf
LOCATION alustrasse . schwandorf . bavaria . germany
PROGRAM administration building . auditorium + visitor center . noise protection barrier . site masterplan
CLIENT zweckverband müllverwertung schwandorf . germany
SIZE floor area 2880 m2 . site area 39.000 m2
SCOPE urban design . landscape
TEAM archimedialab
COST €8.000.000 . incl. landscape . acoustic barrier

"1. prize . limited urban and design competition world architecture community award .

5th cycle . honorary mention"


"the task to design a new administration building, reorganize the power station compound and create a new noise protection barrier offers the chance to dissolve the dichotomy of landscape and building to realize the deconstruction of those categories into one designed environment, to be experienced in a dynamic and curious fashion . built landscape"