Olympisches Dorf 2012


PROJECT NAME Olympisches Dorf 2012
LOCATION leipzig . germany
PROGRAM carbon neutral sustainable development : 2345 housing units for 16.000 athletes . sport facilities . entertainment . retail . restaurants
CLIENT city of leipzig
SIZE site area 1.120.000 m2 . floor area 415.115 m2
SCOPE architecture . urban design . traffic design . landscape . energy
TEAM archimedialab . project gmbh . architecture . stötzer.landscape . wh-p.structural . transsolar.energy
STATUS international urban design competition 04 . 2004 . revision 06 . 2004
AWARDS 1. prize . international urban design competition

built structures evolve out landscape with fluid transition. striations, characterized by grooves running from east to west, absorb the natural furrows and water channels and mesh with the basin of the port. this is constrasted with the hard edge of the eastern quay on the opposite site with its vertical solitary structures. further east a braided band interweaves natural and built structures.